Tuesday, July 9, 2013

#13 Think of all the fun you get to have trying

Marie's mom accidentally said this to her and for the first time in her life Marie raised her voice with her mom.

FUN? You think THIS is FUN!!!! ARE YOU NUTS???

We are no longer spontaneous.  We both carry a calendar with us 24/7 and we have to think about the "store". The store has to be stocked on that "special day" or else there is no point going shopping.
We have to plan, plan, and plan again for sex. It is scheduled. It is sometimes scheduled at 2AM because the shot given at the doctor's office says that the swimmers should be in the pool at a very exact number of hours after the shot is administered.

Yes, infertile couples sometimes have to set an alarm to "go shopping". Super fun!

If you have not had to work at getting pregnant, and we thought we would never really have to work at it, then it is fun. For the first couple of months it is fun, but after awhile it gets frustrating, and the fun flits out the window. It doesn't mean it isn't good, it just means it is not always fun.

Please say "that sounds tough, do you want to talk about it?".

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