Tuesday, July 9, 2013

#11 What have you tried?

Unless you are the doctor involved in the situation, then please imagine this situation:

There is a water drainage problem on your property.  You research how to fix the problem, and go to work.  You think you have the solution, but alas, the next rain storm there is a problem. So you try something else, same result. And so forth until you are frustrated with the drainage problem.
The next party you attend you casually drop the drainage problem into the conversation. Everyone starts to give you suggestions about what to do. You find yourself nodding along, and saying "tried that" and "that too" followed by "that didn't work either".  You get frustrated with the people with whom you are speaking, and eventually change the subject.

Now, same situation.  Except you are now discussing your sex life and all the parts of your body that are covered by a bathing suit. That is why infertiles hate this question! 

Thank you for asking about my sex life. Not weird at all.

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